Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[R] VIP set ~ 10k
Yeah so..

Simple design. Keep it freestyled. I dont want my tori in it. Match the sig. Animations would be great.

Simple design. Keep it freestyled. I dont want my tori in it. Have the word 'Kingsta' in big letters.

Im keeping the background I have. Keep the colour scheme.

Avvy - 150x150
Sig - 150x600

Things I like:
- Splatters
- Graffiti
- Mixes of red and white
- Swirls
- Tribal
- Simple but eyecatching

I will buy more than one garantee'd.
Post WIP's, I will pay more than 10k if I think it deserves more. (I will pay more for animatons.)

I dont want to see something I can do myself.
Last edited by Kingsta; Jan 16, 2011 at 05:52 PM.
Im keeping the background I have. Keep the colour scheme.

I dont anyone to make me a background. Just make the avvy & sig match it.

So yes, you can.

This is the best out of the three. But, Theres too much green. Can you put the word 'Kingsta' in a different font. I'd like the background to be transparent and not too solid shaped.

also the signature is too high, can you lower it to 150x650?
Originally Posted by EarthFoxx View Post
erm .. i'll try (:

sigg ...

Hmm.. cool but There's too much red involved and I don't like the font can you fix that?

Originally Posted by Inkbl0t View Post
ok, i gtg to school now

Erm.. okay