Original Post
Ohimeni, at your service
So hi, my name is Ohimeni and I'm from Finland. I'm 16 years old. My english is very bad and stuff, hope u undestand. I found Toribash when I was looking for good physics fighting games. Tried it out and now I'm hooked. <3
I can be found in Youtube, DeviantArt, and umm... uhh.. that's it? Of course I can be found in several finnish forums, too.
About my hobbies, yeah. I play guitar, play videogames, draw a lot, watch movies and photograph sometimes.
If you want to chat, please send me a message. : )
No gun when you need one.
You have some good art. You should make textures, and avatars, and signatures to make a lot of money here at Toribash.

Have fun!
Like, wow, you can do that? : D
Buuuuut I guess I can't becase I live in Finland and I don't have any bank cards or such so.. But I'll think about drawing some avatars and stuff for free.

E. ...aaaand now I proved that I'm a total noob. There seems to be some kind of money in this game, so u didn't mean the money irl.
Sorry about that one. :3
Last edited by Ohimeni; Mar 29, 2011 at 07:12 AM.
No gun when you need one.
Lol, he meant Toricredits. You can earn lots of toricredits by texturing, making sigs/avvies, etc.

Good luck and enjoy your stay here in Toribash. :D
yeah ok
Btw, nice background there, Luminusian. Isismasshiro is one of my favourite artists. :3
No gun when you need one.