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[TAF]Literature and Writing
By request and personal desires, I have made a place to share pieces of writing you have written/enjoy.


Someone needs to inspire me to finish this. Tell me what you think. 5-minutes work.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Inspire you to finish?? Reading the thing alone should be inspiration enough to finish.
I immediately placed myself in the character's shoes, and I want to know what's going to happen. NOW!
Sounds like zombies Nameless. But then again I have been playing Nazi Zombies for like a total of 8 hours today.

But really, it is amazing. CONTINUE.

New short story.


Ugh. The intro is so colloquial. It reminds me of the Custom House from the Scarlet Letter, because of the way you insist that it's true. I'll read the rest later.
For now, I applaud the massive range of vocab.
New poem.

Apparently I'm getting better at this.
