Original Post
[REL] kaiorunedit2 # My 1st real mod ;D!

My mod you can run and climb the object fo this mod is to hit the green ball first. You can also just stand there and climb if you want but to run set the game rules of distance to 1000...

Post your vid and screenhots here ;P!..

Kaio mod2
This is a vid..

I have items you have TC- Lets Haggle..... |TMA|PSY|TNT|AU|
Well you have a good idea with the first climber to the top thing
, but it is alittle bland . So why not give it some realism ?

example: - Chains or two grey pipes instead of rectangles
- an enviroment ( outdoor or indoor)
- realistic colour
- Some obstecles and shortcuts for more competition
- mabey a small platform or two

its just some critisizm , there are tons of mods to get these ideas from my freind . So take your time with it and !enjoy modding !