Original Post

We are an organisation to help people learn new mods and different types of styles each member uses. We are friendly and kind and look forward to meeting new people and learning new things. We aim to work as one, and host challenges in a tournament format. We like to have fun and mess around a lot and we aim to become famous and well known and respected.





Don't be shy to ask for help or advice, we would love to give you new ideas to help you grow into a better fighter.
Reviews will be done and posted here under each member's name stating all their information on how they fight and what skills they have etc.
We do not accept any profanity, scamming, trolling etc.
Listen carefully to what the leaders say, they will give instructions to you on who will fight who in tournaments and who you will be teaching or being taught by.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Please share your own ideas and opinions.
We are not a money making organisation.
Please note that everything is planned before any action takes place.

Please note there is careful consideration taken into account in each application, we decide on whether you become a student or a teacher. There is however an application for a rank upgrade for when you think you are good enough to advance.

Name you would like to be known by:
Your best mods:
How would you rate your skills:
How would you describe your fighting style:
Would you prefer to be a student or a teacher:
What do you hope to achieve here:
What would you like to teach/learn:
Post one replay of you in free play


Master Teachers:
-(They control members within a certain mod and run things in that specific mod, are capable of teaching advanced students)

(They teach students and newbies the basics to the certain mod that they teach)

Advanced Students:
-(They know the basics and more but strive to learn more and become teachers and well trained fighters within a specific mod)

(They learn different fighting styles within a specific mod until they are capable to decide how to fight opponents in that specific mod)

(They are taught the basics to a specific mod and are normally new members to the community)

(Constantly being updated)













Which mod do you want your upgrade in:
What rank are you currently:
What would you like to be:
Reason for this promotion:
Who has told you that you are good enough:

You will face your allocated opponent in a moment of your choosing
You will have to fight in the specified mod given
A replay of the match will have to be posted
Remember to try get your match done immediately so that the tournament can end within the weekend
No second attempts if you lost
Please do not argue or fight with any one or you will be dismissed from the organisation
No complaints shall be made on given mods or opponents
There are no prizes or TC involved, this is purely for fun of the organisation
The winner of the tournament will be The Renegade Champion until the next tournament
Goodluck and have fun


Last edited by ConCon; Jun 2, 2011 at 06:42 PM.
Name you would like to be known by: Kameron
Age: 14
GMT: +10
Your best mods: taekkyon, aikidobd
How would you rate your skills: 6/10
How would you describe your fighting style: unique
Would you prefer to be a student or a teacher: Student. I'm not too good at teaching
What do you hope to achieve here: Just to help out where needed, maybe teach some moves.
What would you like to teach/learn: Some wushu openers
Post one replay of you in free play
Attached Files
booya.rpl (88.4 KB, 7 views)
Name you would like to be known by: Jay

Age: 15

GMT: Australia +10

Your best mods: Judo.tbm

How would you rate your skills: Pretty good, haven't played in a while. ;3

How would you describe your fighting style: I aim to remove limbs.

Would you prefer to be a student or a teacher: Preferably student, as I don't think I would be fit for a teacher yet.

What do you hope to achieve here: Activity, socialisation, mates etc.

What would you like to teach/learn: Other mods of course. Maybe aikido, or more in depth judo.

Post one replay of you in free play: None at the moment. I can make some later if needed. ;3


More detail can be given if needed.
Life is like Basketball. Aim, Concentrate, Balance and Following through. That's all you ever need to accomplish your goals.
Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
Accepted, il add you to students of wushu, i also want to learn wushu

I have one wushu opener, but it sets up, what i think to be, a defencive kick.
I can post a replay of it, if you like
Accepted Jay, nice to have you here buddy
And yeah sure kameron
Last edited by ConCon; May 1, 2011 at 03:49 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Thanks bro. Also, love the logo's.
Life is like Basketball. Aim, Concentrate, Balance and Following through. That's all you ever need to accomplish your goals.
Looks very nice so far, especailly like the text you chose for it. Also, the symbol seems to really suit it. . Great work I say.
Life is like Basketball. Aim, Concentrate, Balance and Following through. That's all you ever need to accomplish your goals.