Original Post
[Art]Slimes on a mountain!

Basically when I'm not doing my work in history class (pssh work) I do small photoshop images requested by others in the class in which i work on for about 6 - 10 minutes until I actually copy down notes. One of them suggested a herd of weird blobs on a cylindrical mountain, and well this is what came up. The reason I am posting this is because I thought it would give an ol' post in the toribash forums for good times sake, plus I dig the slimes. (Also the reason I'm calling them slimes is because this just reminds me so much of Minecraft somehow... I think its the "slimy" figures O_o)
I love the style!

The thing is, I don't like that you copy pasta'd the 3 slimes :/

I think it would look better if you made the mountain '2 tone' like the rest of the things, there is no need to have it so detailed

very nice and cute Galard, very nice and cute indeed.
i agree with gorman
try making different expression with them
or change the shape a bit for mouth, eyes and the body
making them look more individual
Lol thanks, and yeah i was a bit on the lazy side so i just copied and pasted.I am making more as we speak, two of my friends are screaming into my ear pretty awesome requests (i.e. jet-packs, polar bears, etc.) so it should be pretty epic.


...ever not save your photoshop images before your done and than your computer shuts down?... FFFFFF!
Last edited by Galard; May 5, 2011 at 12:22 AM.