Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Reveal yourself
So, similar to Bondy's "Show yourself" thread, this is "Reveal yourself". A place where you can say anything about yourselves that you would like to tell your Tint family. Life stories, likes/dislikes, whatever. As long as it's revealing. (Not too revealing Bondy!!! No body parts. just words.) Feel free and encouraged to respond to people's posts. Let's get to know our family better ;P So anyways here's mine:


My wife's father likes cocaine too much. More than his kids. So, he came home after work one day threw a fit because of some stupid reason and kicked her out of the house at 8pm at night. So she went to a friends house and spent the night. When she went back home the next day he told her to get out again. So, she called me and my parents and I went and picked her up. He then called Child Protection and said she ran away. Well they did there little thing and at the end he just voluntarily signed over temporary custody of her to my parents. So, it's kind of like she's my step sister, right? Incestuous people.

So, she didn't really get along with my evil crazy mother, but we lived there until we were 19. A bunch of stuff happened in between but I can't recall all the good or bad so just skip 3 years with me. When we graduated high school my mother broke the news to us that she was moving into a new house and there isn't enough room for us to move with her. She kicked us to the curb. We found a nice cheap little 700 square foot trailer. My wife found a nice full time job and I got a decent part time job and started attending a community college full time for music education.

I finally asked her to marry me and we got married on October 25th in 2008. As a gift I bought her a 40th anniversary edition orange ford mustang. She loves it. The following year we got our son, but right before he was born we bought our house. I also, got a nice full time job somewhere along the way there. After my hoopty I had for 5 years finally broke down I bought a new family car. Not my favorite but it works. And I've recently got accepted to ASU a nearby university. I am getting my business education degree in 2.5 years.

I did have some financial help though, luckily/unfortunately. My father died when I was 5 years old in a drunk driving accident. The car he was in actually threw him out and then rolled back on top of him. He was crushed/suffocated to death. So don't drink and drive god mother fucking damn it son of a bitching whore. Don't take someone's father just because you can't ask for a ride home you selfish piece of shit! Don't fucking ever drink and drive or I will kill you. I would like to get back on topic now.

I got his life insurance money. I was also involved in an accident when I was 7 where a school bus ran across the wrong side of the road and smashed the car I was in. I was in a comma for 10 days. And I couldn't see for about a month and a half. So there was some lawsuit money that helped us out too. I hate that other people don't have the same financial start I did, but at least most of you have a father ;o

So, there's some insight into my life. lol.

Also, thanks Zinx!
Last edited by Zinx; May 4, 2011 at 05:46 PM.
Me now :

Many of you know me on a real life personal level due to facebook and discussion on IRC, but here's my life story.

So, I'll start out with my sad mistake of a birth, I was born and raised in pennsylvania 1994 July 24th. I'm going to skip the boring 13 years of my childhood. The day after my 14th birthday, july 25th. I moved to Munich Germany for my Dad's job, he worked for linde engineering and the main site is here, so here we are. I attend an international school. An international school is an english speaking school somewhere in the world. They teach the mother tounge of the country (german) and usally do the IB program.

I joined toribash in 2008 on my first account, shortly after that I met my first love, etc, We were going on and off for 3 years (until I was 16). Now I'm 17 and finally moved on. Onto a girl in another school in my area, I visit pennsylvania every summer and (get drunk high and all other things) party. I play basketball and breath NBA (national basketball association) ask me any questions about either . Here's a picture of me this year playing basketball:

I've been studying tons lately and trying to become a msquad member which is my main reason for toribash, my intense love for marketing. I've honestly took leaving into consideration, but since I have a lot of friends here that I tend to discuss RL with (new friend Tommy <3) I decide to stay, and I would love to meet some of you guys in real life and party sometime soon, even if you need a few years to mature and grow up.

Also, Tommy, you should get a break and head over here <3 for next years toricon.
Last edited by Zinx; May 4, 2011 at 06:06 PM.
I'll see. Sounds expensive! time, location, etc.?

Also, what is an international school and what's your dad's job. Need more detail!

Also, something else kind of lame about me: I've never drank alcohol in my life. Nor have I messed with drugs with the exception of unprescribed pills when I was younger. I'm not against drinking though. My wife drinks almost everyday. When she played Black Ops. I still have fun though. I will also post some of my compositions later. I like this thread too much.
Last edited by TomPaine; May 4, 2011 at 06:00 PM.
International school
= school designed to educate people from different countries, i.e. multilingual.
Also, I'm in psychiatry, if you wanted to know about my job
f=m*a syens
For now, I have a pretty plain life.
Now in university, taking electrical and computer engineering.
Can't really complain about it.

She was looking for a war game where she could kill people. I just bought it for her and she's played it every night since. nice shoes too zinx. I hope though that with this degree I get my wife can stop working and stay home that is my next life goal.

also, Arglax, you in school
Okay srs stuff time....

Umm yeah, when I was 13 I was rapped...
last summer my best friend died in-front of me.
it's a long story.
Toriprime/VIP local moderator | Colon 3 | 4th dan
<3 Cide | Glow | Jarmund | ishi | satiknee | Wiggi | Fish | pal <3
[19:12] <&MrManiac> I kept pooping in my pants