Original Post
[CD] Children of Destiny

In the distant future, few humans remain on earth.
20 children are chosen to rebuild life as we know it or all that we have ever known will be lost. These are the Children of Destiny.
No one knows when they will come or who they are, but they will be chosen.

1. No being a dick
2. Stay as active in the forums as you can
3. Respect others ingame and out
4. Devote yourself to the clan
5. No multi-clanning
6. No clan Merging

1. Must be a Brown belt or higher
2. Must be active in the forums
3. Must be able to speak english
4. Must donate 1-2k to cdbankey

Previous Clan(s) :
How active are you? (In-game and Forums) :
What will you contribute to this clan? :
Why did you choose this clan? :
About yourself (optional) :





Last edited by Silk; May 31, 2011 at 05:57 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Name: Hiruko xD
Belt: Second Dan Black Belt
Previous Clan(s) : TPC, NO-MERCY and PURE.
How active are you? (In-game and Forums) : I Play every day all day long.
What will you contribute to this clan? : making textures , other arts , helping newbie members an other stuff.
Why did you choose this clan? :cause i likelitle clans that are begining ! to i help it to grow and help the max i can!
About yourself (optional) : i like the leader , he looks like a good leader.
I am a cool texture maker !
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