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Let's play Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory...
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

I was recommended by a friend to download Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

And I don't regret it all at.

ET is the multiplayer-only sequel to Return to Castle Wolfenstein, released by Splash Damage, a producer dedicated to multiplayer gaming, in 2003. The community is immense and servers are extremely plentiful five years later, ranging on average from 800-1400 servers running daily.

Another enhancement to ET is JayMod- think of any game you own, now multiply it's awesomeness by five and add an overhaul of new content. No server is true multiplayer without it.

I highly recommend this game to anyone who wants to take a look at it. The download is free, but the downside is that YOU MUST HAVE DSL or better- most of the time, if not all, servers make you download levels along with them.

But yeah. Play it now.
User was infracted for this post. (Useless post)
I has it. But my parents think it is too violent, so i cant play it much. I almost always(if i play) play on a server called: SPARTA||NICE PEOPLE

or something like that.
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Absolutely amazing freeware game. The skill levels of players can REALLY vary on here. If you enjoy FPS's, and if you enjoy online play, then you will LOVE this.
Two of my friends recommended this game to me too, I didn't take the time to dowload it though. I'm downloading it now :]
played it, sucked at it, its rather gorey, but the goreyness is funny because of the less than realistic physics, so like one time i threw a frag and it blew someone up and there arm suddenly went flying into the air uber high lol
Since when did I become Asian?
That is good game. Actually I downloaded it today again got invited back to my clan.
I got the eye of Sharingan.