Original Post
FID 1st SemiRegular Judo Tournament

Freeze has gone official... and how do we celebrate?

Kick and punch the bajeezus out of each other of course!
Freeze members only

09:00 AM GMT Saturday, April 19 2008

The Gametype:
Basic Judo

1st gets 20000 TC's
2nd gets 8000 TC's
The rest get's jack squat (or 100 each if I get "generous" XP )

Tourney Rules:
Ladder based tourney. All players spec and two players fight one match.
Winner advances the ladder.

Play continues like this until two players are left.

Last two players fight in best 2 out of 3.

Spec if told to or get kicked in the heiney
Listen to the fight order carefully.
Ping Timeouts are fine (but not if done frequently)
Quit/Spec during matches are not
But most of all... Have fun, we're not a clan of tightwads, remember?

Post here for clarifications and or concerns about tourney time
Last edited by avwave; Apr 17, 2008 at 02:55 AM.
sounds like very much fun...but i won't win...T_T
Name: Ceymoure
Belt: Black
Clan: Avalanche
Post here to join Freeze: Click here
why not just try u might come second and im not in the tournment becuase i am the leader and avwave is the host
hmmm, you may want to tone down the training... i dont want anyone to "lose their balls" for any reason... you'll need the pair later