Original Post
1st of 4-5 Weekly NO tourney, Open to all NO members
Will be on Saturday for sure. (will allow more people to come).

Date: April 19, Saturday

Time: Unknown Possibly 14:00 Est/19:00 gmt

Mod: Surprise for everyone >.>

Prize: 1st prize: 20k TC. Used for head or whatever you want.
2nd prize and 3rd prize deteremined by # of joins.

Entrance fee: 250 for members who havent donated.(Send to Iceman) Will make the clan bank last longer and is low amount. And you got by saturday so no whining >.>.

Please send more if you can will increase prizes

Members who can join(so far paid or donated):
Ryokumaru-auto in
Bananapwn- auto in
Hara-auto in
Iceman-auto in(500 anyways)
Delaid-auto in
Hanz0- auto in


Will add more in depth tourney thread Friday.
Last edited by Iceman; Apr 16, 2008 at 11:58 PM.