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[Art] DarkSamurai WIP

There are some guys in TB that stand out from others, by their skill in game or by their actions on forum and in the community. They were with us when we started playing Toribash, they were our role models, mentors, friends or enemies. They grown with time and left their mark, either good or bad.
Nevertheless, they gained some respect, reputation and fame, and that won't change as long we remember them, even when they leave this community or just change their account.

One of them is DarkSamurai (account lost) aka Irmantasx (account lost) aka ...... it's a secret now :}. Person who would enter wushu room and dominate other players either with his strange and complicated openers, or with his improvisation skills. He didn't spoke much and when he did it was like in the old samurai movies, to taunt and laugh at us. :]
I can't say I'm his friend, cause persons like that like to walk through life alone. But, I was present during his 'reign', and learn to respect him. Games with him were fun, exciting and most of all: fair-play!

I met him again in game, after some long period of in-activeness, and we had a talk about past of TB. Some old memories came... And I decided to do painting of him, using his old set as some starting point and lots of imagination. So there it is, DarkSamurai, the sketch before the actual piece.

Since I want to do this right, I would appreciate if you point out any kind of mistakes (I already found one when I finished sketch :{}, the right hand hasn't any true feeling of grip on the sword, but it can be corrected in this phase), and some things that you think should be changed or re-done, or removed.

The picture will represent him kneeling after the fight, bloody and bruised, paying respect to the enemy he just slain. So its a WIP, some more work will be done on the sketch itself, then the actual painting. Thank you.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Aug 26, 2011 at 07:33 PM.
wow this is great i cant realy see anything wrong with it but he looks more like a chinese warrior then a samurai cant wait for the full art work
Hand looks odd, maybe he should have it placed resting ontop of the sword?
Hand also looks thin compared to the rest?
Also the man boobs looks off center. Or just off perspective maybe?
Last edited by Lancelite; Aug 26, 2011 at 09:52 PM.
Looks nice good job 8oj and does any one think he looks similar to woods from Black ops? Just a tad. Back to the drawing itself, I think its very nice and has a good look to it. 9/10 continue on this! I'd love to see more.
good work as always :3 isnt a bit strange the the left arm and chest? and left leg maybe just a bit longer? it looks a bit short... really hard position to draw.
The right arm is a bit longer, that's the main thing, and then everything else looks odd because of it, but already fixed with some cutting and scaling. Left leg is looked from the front, so some shortening had to be done.
As for boobs, I have put the right boob higher then the left (also corrected), since, when the arm is up, the muscle of the chest goes up too.
Thx for observations.

Ideas for colors? DarkSamurai set was black, but that would be dull, so I'm thinking some dark purple?
I remember Irmantasx from 09, amazing wushu player and a nice guy.

Sadly i'm not an artist do i don't have much to say about your art.
But i like it a lot 9/10
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits