Original Post
Humblest apologies re: tournament
I may have overshot this tourney thing.

I have set it to a time convenient for I'm guessing people awake on my side of the world. I have failed to include/consider your preferred time. Also, I haven't coordinated with splunker regarding the details of this event, and have made a last moment call to those involved to meet at the designated time and place.

For these I apologize.

Although, I have posted the announcements (sans the server details of course) in the thread. But I haven't made them clear enough. It has been sort of a mega phail to be honest, everything went wrong at the last second. I really wanted to see the skills and capabilities of the clan members which was one of my motivations to set up this event. Second, I wanted to give back a little to those that supported and joined this clan, new and wet behind the ears as it is.

It has been a learning experience in handling in game events, and I apologize for not completely coming through with this.

But, if you allow it, there will be some more events planned in the coming months.

Again I apologize for this.