Original Post
GGs guys, we'll get them next year (Finals results)
We lost guys, but we fought well. We got to the finals, and we tried our best. The time might not have been the best for all of us, but we still fought hard. Even if we lost 9-3, we still tried our best.

Next year, we'll be there to beat your clan back down, INQ!

I'd like to thank you all for participating in this league, GODDAMNIT ADT STOP EDITING MY FUCKING POSTS, and any others who helped cheer on and keep the morale up

Good try guys, we'll be back!
Last edited by Chozo; Apr 27, 2008 at 12:34 PM.
Well done guys, we played really well this year, and as Chozo said I'm sure we'll get 'em next year ;)
insert sig there