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how does the lottery work
my friend pmed me about a tori lottery open again and i saw a 512 lottery there. i want to try if i can buy it but i dont know what will happen next.

what will happen when i buy that lottery ticket?
Basically you pay for a place in the lottery. The names will go onto a list and once all 200 places have been purchased a name is randomly drawn (Im not sure on how this is done dont ask me why) and that person wins that lottery.
Originally Posted by joshuaDA View Post
so if i lose the lottery, my tc is a waste?

You gave some tc to have a chance to win something bigger. Its not wasting it if you have something to gain from it.
Originally Posted by joshuaDA View Post
so if i lose the lottery, my tc is a waste?

If you do not win the lottery, you do not get back the tc you spent. The lottery is like gambling, you spend some money hoping to get something worth a lot more back.
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