Original Post
[Please Read] All Extreme Members
I would like you all to know that your clan mate, Modius, owes me 60k. He has owed me this for quite some time now and even though he has the tc he refuses to send it... Just thought I would ask for your opinions on what to do... I really would like to not pull admins into this mess but I need my tc to market. I'm giving him 3 days to send me the tc or he will be banned. I already asked an admin and I have suffient proof to get him banned and the tc stripped from his account and placed back on mine. I'm done waiting around so you can promise to pay me back and have more than double the tc the day before you promised and end up losing it all the last day... Sorry it didn't work out...

Link, I think you should give Modius 1 day or leave the clan... Thanks for telling us Wolf...
I saw Modious Betting for like 20k tc each match today.
Funny he didnīt answer my "hi", but srsly he doesnīt pay heīs banned.
Fucking smooth.
Originally Posted by Hours View Post
Link, I think you should give Modius 1 day or leave the clan... Thanks for telling us Wolf...


Originally Posted by musket View Post
I saw Modious Betting for like 20k tc each match today.
Funny he didnīt answer my "hi", but srsly he doesnīt pay heīs banned.

Heh... He owes me 60k and he started the day with 230k. You tell me why he hasn't paid.. and I know he was making 20k bets. I was there to annoying the shit out of him in hopes he would pay me back.

Wolfe, I noticed on the market (I got new force and lax) that lots of time I searched stuff up I saw Modius's name as the seller. Maybe he can sell his way to you and hi wolfe.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Well I guess You all know What IM gonna do
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Hmm gambling is a part of this game also I make 100k a day you could have came and talked to me before kicking me ye know.I didn't see this post until after i was kicked but w.e