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hi guys
why are people fanboys
i like ps3 and xbox360
halo reach and black ops
i like all games because they are good
fanboys will point out the most retarded things that make a game/console a tiny bit better because thats the one they played first

any opinions
I dislike fanboys mainly because they refuse to see reason.

PS3 and XBox 360's are almost exactly the same. PS3 does have better hardware but only slightly. It doesn't even matter, I would get an XBox only because the majority of my friends have them. I'm a PC Gamer though so that's where I'm sticking. :P

Halo franchise is average. There is nothing special about them.
CoD franchise went downhill after Modern Warfare into a land of blandness.
I just don't like that they will say one of them is better than some other game for no reason. Especially if they haven't played it.
Call of Duty; Sadly the same things over and over again, has potential but doesn't live up to it.

Halo; Decent game, at least they make changes. Multiplayer is made for casuals and not competitive gamers. Reach had a bland story line mixed with bland characters.

Xbox; live doesn't cost much, only to people below the age of 12 who can't buy it themselves. Largest community and most of my friends have it. Also has a larger and better selection of games (imo)

Playstation 3; better hardware, free multiplayer, generally better graphics, also apparently Sony is retarded and didn't encode personal information when they got hacked and millions of peoples private information were released and stolen.
what am i doing here
i like both xbox360 and ps3 and i think cod went downhill after modern warfare 2 , i hate black ops -__- but i think halo 3 was better than reach and mw3 well it looks the same as mw2 just with different maps and different guns but im looking forward to battlefield 3 as the destruction has been improved and FIGHTER JETS!!! <3 :0
♥ mushu♥
u think so?

i liked it but i only just got my xbox when that came out and i baught it so it was the first game on xbox 360 i played but i started playing world at war not too long ago and that was an ok game but modern warfare 1 i have only played a couple of times and i love the mp5 and g36
♥ mushu♥
To be honost, I prefer the PS3 because of free multiplayer, better graphics, and most of my friends own a PS3. Although the xbox does have some ups too. More games, Wasn't hacked, (this took me 5 minutes to write) and Chat setttings for example, talking to friends while playing a different game.

One thing that does bug me though is, people say PS3 sucks because they use the same controller from the PS1. I don't understand how that makes it bad. Someone care to explain?

P.S. All of the COD series sucked except for WAW. Modern Warfare 2, different from any other COD game because it actually had a storyline and it had modern guns.

Halo is awesome. nuff said