Original Post
Toribash Shaders W7 Problems
Hey Guy's, im with a problem...

i was using the Windows Vista and my Toribash Work's Good, i Use Shaders and blaa blaa blaa...

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, when i get the Windows 7 i can't acctivate
the shaders whyy?
C) Updating Drivers.

Updating your drivers can improve performance and compatibility, reducing the number of problems you encounter in all games and applications. Once you know enough about your hardware to continue, updating your drivers is normally quite easy, especially if your computer was made by a big company like DELL or Apple, here are the methods for updating your drivers, and some useful links:
Method 1) Go to your manufactures website and update your drivers from their support and downloads page.
Method 2) Gather hardware information specified in section B, and go to the motherboard & GPU manufactures pages, you will then have to select your model or series and update drivers there.
Method 1) Click the Apple, on the Apple menu click 'Software Update', if there is a driver update available it will be included in the Mac OSX update.

Typical GPU manufactures driver websites:

You can also use alternative driver providers, for instance windows based laptops can benefit from ATI or Nvidia driver tools found here: Nvidia | ATI. ATI GPU users unsatisfied with ATI drivers can use the Omega Drivers (provided they still run windows XP and have an old ATI card). The Omega drivers are also available for Nvidia, however Nvidia's drivers normally don't have a problem with Toribash.
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.