Original Post
Might start on something
So I remember making a few texture sets back in my day, and I'm considering making another one, probably to sell.

I'd like a couple ideas on where to start, I know how to map and what not, but I'd like an idea or two.

Anyone have any?
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
Something like...
Have you watched CorridorDigital's "Dubstep Guns" on YouTube?
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
I think im going to make a mrama approach to it.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
I need some reference pics! anybody got any ideas?
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.