Original Post
[VID] Hard-Shelled ep.1(Lights)
Hey guys, i think that "Hard-Shelled" would me mine over-editing series. So, I want your replays! hmmm... I love acros, madmans and mostly double-tripple boomkicks :3

smth about me: I am leader and founder of Holiday Prod.
My vids:

1st Screenshot(improved cc, added some fov, etc.):
Last edited by HaulHD; Nov 11, 2011 at 12:09 PM.
I <3 After Effects
#HolidayProd - Videos
here are my replays my friend
Attached Files
#max- r.o entry 1 .rpl (398.8 KB, 6 views)
#max- speed is what I need.rpl (244.0 KB, 7 views)
#opener3.rpl (142.2 KB, 5 views)
#max- FOC 2 entry.rpl (184.7 KB, 6 views)
#opner 5.rpl (151.8 KB, 4 views)
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)

Attached Files
0 Unforgiven.rpl (216.7 KB, 4 views)
0 edited.rpl (195.7 KB, 2 views)
0 Everything can change.rpl (218.3 KB, 2 views)
0 FOC this.rpl (208.6 KB, 2 views)
0 Forgoten.rpl (173.8 KB, 2 views)
0 Fly.rpl (366.8 KB, 2 views)
0 I'm a monster.rpl (167.5 KB, 2 views)
0 Waffle event--2.rpl (161.9 KB, 2 views)
0 Waves.rpl (168.0 KB, 2 views)
0_ Dreams.rpl (193.1 KB, 2 views)
Do you really think you're in control
I won't get any replay in, but this is great practice
Attached Files
pusga - doubtfully.rpl (173.5 KB, 3 views)
pusga - corkscrew.rpl (249.7 KB, 5 views)
pusga - fox.rpl (165.2 KB, 3 views)
pusga - mercyless.rpl (101.7 KB, 5 views)
oh yeah
Taco is here
Attached Files
Taco - Facko.rpl (171.0 KB, 5 views)
Taco - 50.00.rpl (137.0 KB, 5 views)
Taco - Mozzilla Firefox.rpl (176.5 KB, 7 views)
Taco - Shocked.rpl (234.0 KB, 4 views)
Taco - Dry Land.rpl (206.7 KB, 5 views)
Taco - Guru.rpl (147.7 KB, 2 views)
Taco - First -9.82.rpl (160.0 KB, 4 views)
Taco - Eh.rpl (337.3 KB, 3 views)
Taco - 901.rpl (192.8 KB, 5 views)
oh shit waddup