Original Post
Well, this is basically a bitch and moan thread. Let it all out. Empty your guts about the big things occurring in your life, and so on. Let me start it off:

I'm currently dealing with my type 1 diabetes(always am, but more then usual lately) and depression to a certain degree. I'm also slacking, and not studying as much as I should.

Your turn.
Well, I too am also slacking quite a bit. I put off college applications way too long and now I'm missing scholarships left and right. College Calc has been kicking my ass so far with the no-homework only quiz style my teacher uses (Chillin' with a D), I got more shop requests than fingers, and spent nearly 20 hours in the woods looking to shoot a deer and only saw one (a doh).

But the WORST thing is, Hyde won't get on xfire.

Your turn.
Last edited by Spartan094; Nov 8, 2011 at 01:23 AM.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
I just got diagnosed with ADHD and depression which really sucks since I smoke bud but the medicine used to counter ADHD, Riddalin, or something like that is like the opposite of THC and if they mix in my system I'll die. My girlfriend is against me drinking and rolling so three days after I decided to stop I saw her cheating on me 10 minutes before we had arranged to go on a date... Also I was holding onto my friends seshing gear but my parents found it and I got all the blame plus I lost an eigth that belonged to my friend... My mom cut my computer time so I can't work on textures and she took away all of my video games... (I'm using my Ipod) basically my life is in an all time low...
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
Reality hits you hard eh?
I, like spartan, am also having no luck with hunting. Been freezing my ass off for hours and got nothing.
Way behind on work as always, should probably be working on college shit too. Doing an art gallery in one of the bigger cities around here this winter...should be working on shit for that too....
It's flu season, persistent scalp thing, typically cold Canadian weather etc etc.
All I can say to all this shit is "UGH and GAH".
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best. I've been gone for a month, I've been drunk since I left.
Damn, Organ... That actually really sucks... no, like seriously though, I feel you...(no homo)

(Can I make this thread in [Coffee]?)
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
I'm not slacking per say but I'm struggling in school and am busy with work on the side, got some pretty depressing days, since I'm rather lonely atm, no friends nor girlfriend...ya...

So somebody post some happy shit, why all these depressing stories? gah.

Also no joshyjojo this is le only place where this thread can be. Also it closely resembles an offtopic chat thread, so maybe make one of dem?
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Ah, fine. Haha also this is more of a rant thread which I kind of find appealing but on the other side I started dating a new chica yesterday so i'm prty happy
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
Lucky fag :<

can haz pix?

Also since we're talking about Big things here /me points at his avatar
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do