Original Post
Banner by BenDover, divider by WaffleZ.

Hello and welcome to Prison.
We are a clan of a simplistic nature, our inmates have each others backs through thick and thin,
and we don't turn each other into prison bukkake!


1. Do not insult another inmate.
2. Be friendly to inmates and allies, aswell as regular members of the community.
3. Be active within the clan.
4. Do not have sexual intercourse with your cellmate.

Prison Officers:


The application is free-form, but I would like it to include the answers to the following questions in no particulaur order.

Why have you been sent to prison(Why do you want to join)?
What can you provide to the group?
Who invited to you(If invited)?
Why should we allow you in?
Infraction history

(P.S, dont bother applying for alliance if you do not know any of the members)

Clan alliances:

Single alliances:

Alliance application
The application is free-form, but I would like it to include the answers to the following questions in no particulaur order.

What would you bring to us as an alliance?
Why do you want to be our allies?
If you were sent an invitation for an alliance, who sent it?
Sex? It's been so long..
Last edited by Fivah; Jan 31, 2012 at 10:21 PM.
Back for good.
I'm nice to people (when they don't disrespect me) and I did good to my past clans they liked me in there clan but then it died and I came here to apply to this clan
Originally Posted by LWafflez View Post
Thank you for accepting my pretty dividers then spelling my name wrong


Originally Posted by DarkDrainz View Post
Requesting single allies.Good luck with shizz.

Didn't read the first post, so no.

Originally Posted by laoSe View Post
Requesting single allies .
Good luck, I apply perhaps one day

Didn't read the first post, so no.

Originally Posted by nodarkness View Post
I'm nice to people (when they don't disrespect me) and I did good to my past clans they liked me in there clan but then it died and I came here to apply to this clan

Fill out the application format.
Back for good.
What would you bring to us as an alliance? Alliance.
Why do you want to be our allies? because alliance
If you were sent an invitation for an alliance, who sent it? Nobody.
Sex? 2 hours a day.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Why have you been sent to prison(Why do you want to join)?
Cause Fivah is awesomesauce
What can you provide to the group?
Arty talents, friendly personallity, oldfagness
Who invited to you(If invited)?
Why should we allow you in?
Why not brah
+/- 0
Infraction history
A fair few, all expired now, for silly thingggs
Originally Posted by Tengo View Post
What would you bring to us as an alliance? Alliance.
Why do you want to be our allies? because alliance
If you were sent an invitation for an alliance, who sent it? Nobody.
Sex? 2 hours a day.

Accepted, because im getting no action right now.

Originally Posted by Bilza View Post
Why have you been sent to prison(Why do you want to join)?
Cause Fivah is awesomesauce
What can you provide to the group?
Arty talents, friendly personallity, oldfagness
Who invited to you(If invited)?
Why should we allow you in?
Why not brah
+/- 0
Infraction history
A fair few, all expired now, for silly thingggs

Accepted because Bilza. Welcome back to toribash!
Back for good.