Original Post
So this is like my perfect fight mod, Sambo was close, and this just fixes the few issues I had with it. Aikido breeds a style of play that is very passive and very boring, being too aggressive simply puts you off balance because it's so hard to disable your opponent due to the high dismemberment threshold. This is still much higher than mods such as judo, but it's low enough so that a big punch or kick has a good chance of disabling the opponent.

The mod is Monkido. It's a variation on Sambo (turn frames, engage distance, and dismemberment threshold).


damage 0
dismemberment 1
dismemberthreshold 250
disqualification 1
dojosize 350
dojotype 1
dqflag 0
dqtimeout 1
engagedistance 80
engageheight 0
engagerotation 0
engagespace 0
flags 11
fracture 0
gravity 0 0 -30
matchframes 280
rpg 0
sumo 1
turnframes 10,10,10,25,25,25,25,50,50,50,50

It's designed to be a mod that tests skill, but is still fun to play and fun to watch.

The differences are...

Fracture is off - I find that sometimes fracture can be helpful to a player rather than hinder them (think neck fracture saving you from getting decapped, abs/lumbar fracture making you super flexible etc). Because of this, I disabled it.

Wrists do not break - Hands were very weak in the original Sambo mod, a big hit to the opponents head would often result in a players hand snapping off, rather than a decap.

Dojo is round - circles are pretty.

Monkey out.
Attached Files
monkido.tbm (604 Bytes, 17 views)
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

Tested it yesterday, found it quite fun. Fast paced, ought to be good for knockout tourneys. Decaps abound. Monkey with monkido, you won't be disappointed.
Very funny

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Last edited by Dargon; Feb 17, 2012 at 04:02 AM.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
A few replays showcasing the epicness of sambo/monkido
Attached Files
double.rpl (49.7 KB, 6 views)
kickcap.rpl (49.8 KB, 5 views)
half.rpl (54.6 KB, 4 views)
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

What if you made it so the oppontents can only grab certian body parts? This way it wont be as frustrating when you beat the guy down and then wins by a noob grab to the face . It also would be better because you could block and push away the guys grab then knock his teeth in .