Original Post
" The Super Mega Ultra Awsome as F@ck Realism Contest"

1st - Gotkicks2
2nd - Rob9722
3rd - Aadame
4th - Jisse
5th- Vate
6th - fett175
7th - Anaklusmos

Good Job to every one !

I will send you all your prizes ASAP

Welcome to the S.M.U.A.A.F.R.C boys and girls !

(and yes it is funny when you say it as one word)

!!UPDATE!!: Every memeber of the Hunters that participates in this event will get a free
Custom Hunters HeadBand Gif Texture


Rules? Ha , there are no rules!

Thats what makes this so awsome .

Run , Spar , Trick , Sports , Dancing , Take Downs

It doesnt matter ! As long as its no longer than 600 Frames its valid .

Be sure to make your "replay" as realistic as possible and you can choose any mod you wish.

When you label you replay be sure to have

{Comp} "yourname"


First Place

Adamantium Force
Neptune Relax
(Goes with Azurite Perfectly)

Second Place

Titan Force
Third Place

Sapphire relax
Fourth Place

Raider Left Leg Motion Trail
Raider Right Leg Motion Trail


Fith Place

Aqua Right Leg Motion Trail
Aqua Left Leg Motion Trail
Aqua DQ

Sixth Place

Ivory Torso

Seventh Place

Cobra Torso

I will post many more textures and items as prises soon , theres alot to go through lol.

I will add in some items with the textures to make it more fun !

"And please dont post unless your posting a replay"
(Keeping things clean)

The deadline is 4 days from now
Last edited by TRichard21; Apr 28, 2012 at 10:35 PM.
I'm in =)

Why only 600 frames?
can't it be at least 1000? =O
Starting on replay now.
Will edit with replay attached when finished.

Best I could do for 600 frames in 45 minutes
Attached Files
Last edited by Vate; Apr 23, 2012 at 11:22 AM.
I don't mean to be a Ball-breaker or whatever but, technically 2nd place and 3rd place head textures are the same, but re-coloured. I mean, for example, if Vate was wearing the blue one, and Kicks was wearing the Green one, you can get banned for wearing the same head texture, even if it's been re-coloured. I also have a few heads that I can provide?
Theres items that will go with them lynx, they may not match exactly but they will look like two different sets if you get blue force/relax and green force/relax . Trust me , those are my old heads.
I'm definitely in! Not for winning, of course, but just for fun. . Starting on replay soon...
My kicks will give you U-NO-POO.
Hunters - Trespassers will be pwned.