Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
Because I think it's the most horrible mechanic in the entire game. So I'm wondering if I'll have start playing on no dismemberment servers.
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
Losers talk!

Heh, anyways, i think it should be modifiable. 'Cause it's still a strategic option.
Just like on/off at the setup.
@m0o: dude fuck
@m0o: fail guys like chac and blam make me want to suicide
@m0o: theyre probably the most annoyingly boring people I have ever met in my life
@m0o: and I know a girl with a monobrow who speaks in monotone
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
All for that. I just personally don't like the idea of having to deal with my baggage, dismemberment leaves me limp for the rest of the round, provides more DQ body area on my, and ruins my confidience. I think it's bad enough as it is.
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
dude, just hit c right after you get dismembered, fixes ya right up.
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
No,if one hits the ground you get disqualified.You have to catch it or lose.
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
No, he means dismemberment doesn't leave you limp the rest of the round. By pressing C, you are stiffing up, and therefore not being a 'tard.
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
I'm not even going to address that politely. I have no clue where you got the idea I'm talking about anything but the dismembered limbs causing a disqualification, if something isn't within your limited knowledge, don't reply. It's much better than responding to a question that I haven't asked. I know to press 'c'.

My issue isn't with the game mechanic of dismemberment. I agree with the limpness, and the loss of a limb makes combat much harder. That's why I prefer servers with dismemberment. However, that the dismembered limb can disqualify me is pretty close to an instant loss. Unless you've got some pretty lucky circumstances (which I'm sure everyone will attest to when they mistake this question for an all out attack on their way of life) you're going to get disqualified. Manipulating the limb afterwards can help, but the only sure way is to make sure it's grabbed on to something. I'd like to see the limbs stay limp and the largest remainder of the body count for a ring out.

Maybe, like Anth, the one poster who knew what I am talking about, suggested a sort of switch could be put in to suit different tastes. I'm just wondering if it's a programming issue, or a gameplay feature.
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
Let's say this: try not get any limbs ripped off. Simple. If you don't like it, don't play there. I personally like this... I'll call it a feature.

Thats my opinion. However, I like your idea to have some type of switch. I know it sometimes gets annoying when your limbs get DQ. (been there, done that :P)
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ

A switch for turning of this might be added in some future releases.

Next release it's possible to turn of DQ for ankels and wrists. Which I think will make Judo servers better.

Some questions regarding the DQ of limbs. Perhaps anyone have a good suggestion on how to treat a player thats been severed at the torso? What part of the body should be considered dismembered? and what part should be safe from DQ?

There is also the alternative of playing on servers with DM on and DQ turned of. We can try it out on the experimental servers if you want to see how it works.

Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
I don't understand this argument, what is a limb? How could the program tell if the body part hitting the ground is "body" or "limb"? What if i rip you into 5 pieces in the air, what part is the body now? If i kick off your leg and the glute comes with it, or your arm and the shoulder comes with it, are those parts of the body, or the limb?