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You are the guy on the left; A hungry zombie approaches from the right. You spy a conveniently placed rock and a displaced wire coat hanger in the dirt. Also a lot of dirt. What will you do?

Last edited by Acavado; May 23, 2012 at 05:48 PM.
Grab the rock and coat hanger.
Use the rock to travel back in time, then use the coat hanger to perform an abortion on the zombie's mother so the zombie never attacks me.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
>Eat rock and hope it was radioactive.

You scoop up the rock and eat it. It tastes like mold. You're pretty sure that's the taste of radioactivity. You can definitely feel the power surging through your veins. The rock settles into your belly heavily, and you instantly gain some weight, plus rock hard abs.

The enemy is sauntering over still. What now?

Grab hanger, unravel and straighten it out into a long strip. Stab out its eyes so it aimlessly wanders. Throw the rock in the opposite direction to catch its attention and make it walk away.

Use your newfound strength to wrestle the coathanger straight, then use the straight coathanger to tie the legs of the zombie together, hopefully that will make it fall.
Originally Posted by crazylars View Post
Use your newfound strength to wrestle the coathanger straight, then use the straight coathanger to tie the legs of the zombie together, hopefully that will make it fall.

Centuries Of Damn
Lol Arb.
I'm pretty sure zombies would be blind in the first place.
Thus only relying on smelling and hearing. So that would probably help in no way.