Original Post
[Shop] Vectori and Pixel art by Wyvern
Hi, I am Wyverneon
I made art and stuff that would fit nicely
for your personal custom forum image known as avatar

A Vectori is an Vector of an tori ( pun intended ) like my avatar
You could add fun thing to your Vectori, these are some example of Vectori I made

Pretty eh ? if you want one for free, you're late ! Haha, I'll do this for a price range between 1k - 500k

Fill this application, so i know what to draw
Username :
Pose :
Background :
Object Additive :
Catchy Text :
Payment :

There is only one pose, no other pose yet
You could request, but it'll increase the payment alot

Now, i have another creation
It's an Isometric pixel art, kinda like Minecraft
Well, you should be specific on this one
Here's an example

Fill the application
Theme :
Sloping :
Object :
Payment :

Ok, clear enough
Last edited by Wyverneon; Jul 6, 2012 at 09:35 PM.
Please bring back Organiζations board
Username :-
Pose :as your avvy
Background :white
Object Additive :tori
Catchy Text :-
Payment : 3k
Last edited by Ten4ciousD; Jul 8, 2012 at 10:51 AM.
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