Original Post
My First Spar - CnC is needed badly!
Well, this is terrible. But it's my first spar that actually was finished.
Enjoy, CnC is dearly needed.
Also, sparring partners aswell.
Attached Files
Spar - Lactic vs Igzoz.rpl (826.7 KB, 12 views)
Proud Member of [Critical] and Rank 310 in Taekkyon.
Okay, Imma try my best.
So your balance overall is lacking. You need to try to stay on your feet as much as possible.
Try to plan moves in advance. Some require more than one frame.
I don't really know what else to say. Oh, limbs ghosting through each other
doesn't look good. And sparring isn't about points. It's just to look fancy.
I'm free all the time. Just pm me.
wow that