Original Post
Application For Ninja Masters clan
1.No arguing with ANY players unless they start cussing
2.Respect other players
3.If you lose or win be nice and say GG
4.Be nice ot others unless they cuss
5.If someone is bulling you and he is a higher belt/rank than you either beat them or leave the server (it isn't ragequiting if you are being the bigger man

Q.How old are you
Q.Are you good
Q.Do you random click
Q.do you take losing good
Q.Have you ever beat a belt above you
Q.Are you a random click
Q.What is your rank
Q.Are you good
Q.When you win do you say stuff such as "HA-HA LOSER" or "U LOST CAUSE UR A NOOB"

END OF QUIZ Congratulations you now have a chance to join our clan Nic Stelman
Last edited by NicStelman; Aug 13, 2012 at 12:39 AM. Reason: I had unfinished buisness
Q. How old are you : 13 years old
Q. Are you good : Well I only good at Aikido and Aikido Big Dojo
Q. Do you random click : No
Q. Do you take losing good : Of course I take losing good
Q. Have you ever beat a belt above you : Yes I have
Q. Are you a random click : No
Q. What is your rank : 48952
Q. When you win do you say stuff such as "HA-HA LOSER" or "U LOST CAUSE UR A NOOB" : Never because every people have their own weakness and ever people is also never always be the best

That's all from me, sorry if there's a mistake
Good i have invited you so there is probably a message in your inbox from me so o and Congrats your the second member
How old are you:15
Are you good:yes at wushu mostly
Do you random click:No
Do you take losing good: yes
Have u ever beat a belt over you :yes
Are u a random click: no
What is your rank:5651
When you win do u say stuff like HAHA LOSER OR U LOST BECCAUSE UR A NOOB:NEVER
thats all for me =3 hope i make it
i will invite u and then it might be in ur inbox but congrats so yea
Hai der i am New and my real name is Nic you can call me NIC or nic or Nic LOL jk anyways im semi pro so yea