Original Post
[CW Anniversary]Main Thread

Happy 3rd Anniversary, Corrupted Waffles!

Yes my dear friends, that's 3 years already. 3 years of existence as [CW] at Toribash scene. That's quite a achievement. You shall not forget about [BoD], our ancestor, from which we evolved into [CW]. If we count in [BoD] period, we would be 4 years old at 26th of December. Pretty damn long time. So, from this place, I want to Thank You all for being here, some of you from the very first day, others not for that long but still, I'm glad to have you all here, in CW. Special thanks goes to Verax and Shin, our co-founders, 1handclap and chicken89, former councilors and Scorpio000 and Thrandir, current councilors. I know I am sometimes not easy to 'live' with so thanks for bearing with me for those years.
Hail [BoD], Hail [CW], live long and prosper!

Events for your entertainment
Waffle League
Replay Challenge

As our artists are pretty much inactive, there is no art event. If you want one, pm me with suggestions.
Feel free to post both sp and mp replays in [CW]Replays thread. If I get fair amount of decent ones, I'll create short Anniversary video.
I would like someone to help me with hosting few CW betting servers - I'll post thread in oven later, when I do, please help me with it.
That would be all for now

