Original Post
[S]3 Flames for sale!
Hey. I'm selling 3 flames, but don't want to get screenshots because I'm lazy.
But here are the I.Ds:
Blue head flame:714
Purple Right hand flame:2733
Awesome Blue/Black right foot flame:2101
If someone would like to take some pics of these and post them on the thread feel free. You can also /dl and /lp me: Flamezzzzz for a good look at all of them.
Offer below. I will take item offers, but I would be a lot more comfortable if it's TC. Thanks <3
Just take screen shots. I'm not looking up the id's because flame browser is a little glitchy so I could be looking at the wrong flame.
It looked like that to me too... That's why i bought it xD If you don't want to use the IDs, just Dl and lp me...
minihawk, orc hair color, 1k, and 3 128 textures for purple right hand flame.
People HATE when sentences don't end the way they

26k for the purple right hand flame.
Last edited by Rafael; Sep 21, 2012 at 05:12 PM.
I would have to take a minimum of 90k for all. Tynx. You're waaaaay off. Burned: No way. I don't want random items. Marci: Gimme 90k and they're all yours. Rafael: 30k is min for that. I paid 35k ^_^
I'll give you 5k and the void/yellow right hand flame you sold to me for the foot flame xD
Always at the wushu tourneys. Always...