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Upcoming Games
So, there i was, in game stop, making sure i had pre-ordered Assassin's Creed 3, and i asked what else is coming up. They said the ususal, CoD, Madden, NHL, etc. then they mentioned Dishonored, and pointed at the poster


I was intrigued, and couldnt remember where i had heard of the game before. so i pre-ordered, and went home to look up the trailer. I remembered it as soon as i saw it. Think Assassin's creed, meets Fable, meets Arkham City.

Plus, his name is Corvo, and my name is Corriveau(pronounced the same)

The official trailer.

And some of the unique ways to kill

Showing how to stealth

And if you want, a walkthrough by one of the developers

<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
I looked at some videos of Dishonored a while ago, but I can't usually get my hopes up for AAA titles and I supposed the PC version will be a console port.

So, in pretty much every game i play, i play sneakily. Skyrim, i am a sneak archer, i loved dishonored, im a huge fan of Splinter Cell, BF4 i am a sniper, even in halo campaign, i sneak and do guerilla style. so i have the biggest nerdgasm about this game.

i cant wait...
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
That game looks incredibly amazing

Too bad I'll never play it

there should be a 2nd campaign that is ridiculously hard, but should be co-op B)
I'm probably never going to play that game but when it comes to upcoming titles, I'm really looking forward to Watch Dogs, holy shit. Just hope the game doesn't look like shit on the PS3, as these delays and some sort of trailer made me believe.
Ya sid, Watch Dogs is the other game im looking forward to

Watch Dogs is basically a mix between GTA, Assassins Creed, and splinter cell.
Which makes sense, since it was made by Ubisoft Montreal, the people who brought us Farcry, Assassins Creed, and Splinter cell.

You are Aiden Peirce, a hacker in Chicago. Chicago recently developed a "Central Operating System" which makes almost everything in the city connected.
From trains, to traffic lights, to cameras, making the city run faster and smoother. However...

It also means that someone could hack in and control all aspects of the city. Aiden has figured out how, and can control it all.
Whether it is controling traffic lights during a police chase, to cause an accident. or the barriers in the road to deploy so no one can follow you.
Or cameras to spy on people, or even hack into people phones and steal their credit card information, and withdraw their money from the ATM.

Its an open world game, letting you roam all around the city. There is also some free running, letting you climb up to roofs and such.

<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos