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Hoping to Soon become official!!!
Clan Details:
Donations to be sent to SourceBank
Donators will be appreciated by Recognition on Dsc.
Replays to be posted in Dsc for clan vid.
Although new, Pushing for official.
Clan Aim:
To become well known, Strong clan. Also Hoping of soon becoming Official.
Clan Rules:
Make sure to be active & notify if inactive for a period of time.
Commit to nothing illegal (Farming, Scamming, Multiclienting etc...)
Respect Clan and its members.
Respect others & DO NOT stoop to anothers level
Use formal language. Try to use English in Dsc
Do not Steal from clan.
NO double clanning.
Why You Should Join:
Clan wars
Clan Events
Make new friends
To Build teamwork
To help Improve clans rep & help become official
Sample Application:
Name: VLeniK

Belt: Black (minimum 2nd dan)

Age: 16

Why you want to join: To be part of a team and make new friends.

What you can offer: Skill, Commitment, Editing

Favourite mod: Wushu, Aikido

How active you are: 4-6hrs a day
Single Allies:
Single Enemies:

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Last edited by VLeniK; Nov 13, 2012 at 11:46 AM.
Some of them are, but most of them like to take the easy win and should just quit tb. imo