Original Post
The mayans were right! They just had the date wrong@#!
So, after some investigation, I have come to the conclusion that the Mayans were right. They were just off by 4 days. The world will end on Christmas, 12/25/2012.

How do I know this you ask? Well, after a couple expeditions into another ancient civilization, one known as the Fox Broadcasting Company, alternatively known as FOX, I have truly obtained the correct date for the end of the world.

A tablet with the program dubbed "Futurama" on it has these grueling details of our demise:

Details of our demise

What could they mean?

After probing more into this mysterious "Futurama", I have gathered that a robotic replica of Santa Claus was built, and will be activated on Christmas eve.

This robotic Santa Claus will be the harbringer of the end of the world. His programming will malfunction. The last thing you see will be his ghastly reindeer chomping away at your flesh, as robot Santa drops several gernades down your chimney. He will then proceed to nuke the world for being naughty.

I'm afraid it is too late to stop this, so I urge you, humble people of Toribash, spend your Christmas in a bunker, do not take the risk, for you will not live otherwise.
oh, well...

after watching at the huge traffic jams and crowds at shops all because of Christmas i came to the conclusion that the end of the world wouldn't be that bad.

it's the 22nd of December xD and the world is stil not end.
Im not really active anymore :;(∩´﹏`∩);: I miss you guys <3
You know Mayans didn't have the leap years. So the world end should have happened 4 years ago. 29th February for the win.