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Opponent's visible ghost.
Just a suggestion good for sparring/parkour/Tricking or something
There is an option in game rule's that allow's you to see the other player's ghost when they click a different joint it would make mod's like Sparring a whole lot more fun.
No, that would ruin the game.
Your aim is to predict what the enemy is going to do.
That would be cheating, because they move to the side, then you move to the side, making them unable to hit you.
~Not Supported.
It would just be an option to turn on and it's sort of a for sparring...
Originally Posted by omegadark1 View Post
That would be cheating, because they move to the side, then you move to the side, making them unable to hit you.
~Not Supported.

Originally Posted by Dobby View Post
Like they said, it would be like cheating and defeat the purpose of the game.

~Not supported

^ And It would infuriate the other person.
it might cause lag due to continuous downloading of the opponents joint state esps when the other player keeps on changing moves.
~knight zero~