Original Post
[S] Cartoon Heads Shop
===[ Cartoon Head Shop ]===

-Hello guys/girls/aliens.

This is my small humble around the corner Head Shop.
Over here I Would be accepting requests and selling some Heads.
Mainly by the style of Cartoonic faces.
-Preview Of Heads Style

Its a prototype of my First Head. Recoloured.
- NEW!-
- Robotic Style -

Size: 512 x 512
No Recolours
Artist: Orthox
Price: Offer

Choice Cut 1

Head 1:
Price: Offer
Artist: Orthox
Recolours: Nope

Choice Cut 2

Head 2:
Price: Offer
Artist: Orthox
Recolours: Nope

Choice Cut 3

Head 3:
Size: 512 x 512
Artist: Orthox
Price: ..Stolen by AHT0H.
[Reported] Issue
Edited the watermarks away.

[More Heads to Come]
I Currently accept only Tc and Parts so yeah :/
Last edited by Orthox; Jan 8, 2013 at 03:59 PM.
I guess good job stealing my work?
Originally Posted by AHT0H View Post
: (

Well, this is definitely plagiarism.

Afterall, I'm the one that made it.
Wondering If this is ban worthy
Last edited by Orthox; Jan 7, 2013 at 02:01 PM. Reason: Proof Of Ownership/Creation
You make very cool heads. Good Job
Try to make ROBOTIC textures for you to get some real TC.
Only a tip.
"Never think you're the only one at something" - VictorTB

4 haters only

Originally Posted by Sage View Post
600 each?

Sorry, I dont see the reason selling you these textures.
Looking at how you value them.
You are prolly gonna sell it out anyway.
How about for a body part
The reason why player are cool is because they are awesome
I LIKE PIE! SSSSSSSSssssss......!