Original Post
[Sparring] LucidSpore
I'm still very new to it, but I'm trying my best and I'm learning more and more everyday.

I liked this spar (Besides getting stuck against the guard-rail)

CnC please? <33
Attached Files
[Lost] Spar.rpl (561.4 KB, 52 views)
You sure you're new? Because you got some moves bro! Definitely not the best replay maker, but certainly better than me.
Your third kick kinda irritated me for some reason. Just an opinion so don't worry about it.
I like the way you saved yourself from falling.
I suck at judging but I would probably give this a 9/10
Last edited by NexGamer; Feb 4, 2013 at 04:21 AM.
In serious need of a clan and sparring help...
Thank you very much!
Yeah I'm pretty new to sparring. I've only spared about 6-8 times now lol.
I thought that kick sucked too haha.
Lets spar sometime!
Thanks, Mocucha.

Here's a spar with LucianWoW.

I think I did better than my other spars. What do you guys think?
Attached Files
Lucid VS LucianWoW.rpl (664.8 KB, 35 views)
Would be sweet if I could get some feedback on that replay.
I thought I did rather well, compared to my others.
Nice spins and the final punch was nice. Your kicks were berry good as well.
But there isn't really much to comment on there just wasn't much fighting.
Never trust a commie.