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Can someone help me out with gameplay?
Hi, I've been playing Toribash for a few hours now, and I really can't grasp what I'm supposed to do in order to do moves like the cpu does.

I realize that some people have grabbed and held the concept real quick and some are expert. I need some help doing this. Can someone spend some time teaching me the basics of how to actually make the body move how I want it to?
since u even said it that u just playing a few hours i would rate u just keep playing for 1 or 2 weeks and everything will come from itself.
no one was pro from the beginning, everyone stardet as noob and had to get at the level where he actually is.

also u mean cpu, if u mean the reaplys which are in the downloaded version. these moves arenīt by the computer. they are made by some people out here of the community. so its absolutley possible to do something like this.

i would also rate u to play some rounds in the multiplayer! its alot of fun and u will meet some nice people there.
it also helps u practicing!

if u still got any questions feel free to ask
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Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
I can help you, but remember that the first thing is experience.
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Joey, i would help you if i could but im not on very often and my teaching isnt the best. I would suggest that checking some tutorials on youtube will help.

That is what helped me to start of, and always try to Re-invent moves as you are learning them, that helps to create your own unique moves.
Perhaps Shift-p would help......
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
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