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Buy-In tourney
My idea is to have High stake buy-in tourneys servers, where you would obviously be able to enter high stake buy-in tourneys.

So what are they?

Basicly it's a tourney room that can hold a certain amount of people,
upon entering said players will enter as spectators.
Only a certain amount of players can enter the tourney so lets say..11 spots are avalable.

Only 11 can enter.
To enter they must sacrifice a certain amount of tc
This amount would depend on the servers name
e.g 20k Buy-in tourney, would be sacraficing 20k.
The tc is not taken from the accounts UNTIL all places are filled.
Once all have been filled, the tc ill be taken from their accounts
and made into the winning prize.

Obviously winner takes all.
The tournies would be like any other standard knockout once they have started.

Now I say high stake but it can easily be done with small amounts of tc too such as 2k, 5k etc...

The mods could be the same as the current 500tc tourney rooms.

Ok so any comments or improvments on the idea are appreciated, tell me what you think, is it alright? Or something we should all forget ever happened?

Tell me if you don't understand anything, and thanks for reading.
...I don't know how to sell stuff :/
Overall this seems like a pretty nice feature. I can see it working out well if they added it. For a suggestion to add onto it, this feature should come with an automated broadcast that announces when a new one is about to start. I state this because people probably wouldnt even notice that they are there and it would inform people when one is about to start. Anyways this feature seems like it would be a great addition that will be added in the future.
Totally Not Sil
Was a good read.

The only flaw I see is the possibility that someone with less tc than the entrance fee being able to enter the tourney, and as the tc is collected when all spots are filled the tourney can't start.

Overall I would support it, but it would have to be looked into for any possible farming or cheating opportunities.
You would not be able to enter without the tc amount needed for the tourney, same as not being able to duel without having the tc needed. I doubt farming would be a problem here because tc comes from the players unlike other tourney servers. Cheating would be hard in my opinion, because entering causes their own tc to be taken from their account.
...I don't know how to sell stuff :/
I support this with all my heart, It's one of the best ideas I've seen on this board.
There is a problem, though. What if someone who has the money enters, and then transfers his money to another account?
Maybe if we could kind of lock the tc, but I dunno if that'd be difficult to program.
I guess if you paid when entering, and then got the tc back if you'd change your mind before the tourney started.

I like this idea so much because it would practically replace the usual tourneys, and then no tc would have to be created, because it's taken from the users accounts. Would really help the economy.
Last edited by Lazors; Apr 11, 2013 at 04:48 PM.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
There is a problem, though. What if someone who has the money enters, and then transfers his money to another account?
Maybe if we could kind of lock the tc, but I dunno if that'd be difficult to program.
I guess if you paid when entering, and then got the tc back if you'd change your mind before the tourney started.

I'm guessing it would work similar to duels and bets, where the money is transferred to an official tori-account for safe keeping until the tourney is over.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
This is one of the few Logical Suggestions i have seen in a while. I think that it may need to be looked into because there might be some farming issues. But i think it would be an awesome feature to be added to toribash
Isn't this already possible?
Like if someone hosts a tourney and puts an /entryfee ?
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
Isn't this already possible?
Like if someone hosts a tourney and puts an /entryfee ?

Yes, but it wouldn't be automated, which is a problem in various ways.
Just think of this as dueling on a larger scale.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore