Original Post
Fix this game
I've paid money for this...I expect money worthy experience, if that makes sense. I've tried enduring this for too long. These slow servers, stupid glitches that make you lose TC, and several other things are really starting to get out of hand, and Toribash isn't doing fuck all about them. Let's talk about the first, most annoying problem: Stupidly slow servers. Now I realize it may not be your fault, and that my money may not be able to pay for your servers, etc etc etc...but my god, the servers at my school run better than this, and it's not like you guys have a lot of people playing this game. Most i've seen online was like 150 people. Why can't your servers handle 150 people? That's WORLDWIDE too. Okay, enough about that, you get that your servers suck dick. Next point. The frame "skipping" after someone pings out and you face the next player, only to realize that the move you intended to make changes entirely, and every turn after that is like you've just passed 200 frames because you end up in a completely different place that your ghost predetermined...i've seen this glitch since the first day I played Toribash back in 2010...fix it. Learn to run a game if you expect people to pay for it.
The Name Of The Game.
150? There's 373 on ATM & it's still "quiet time". There'll be 600 - 700 for the majority of the night once people start getting on.

They aint slow, if it's slow for you then there's a problem either on your end or with your connection. They run perfectly fine for me, and I'm on a shitty UK DSL connection so other people should have no problem what so ever. There are people managing to play using crappy 3G dongles, they have no problems.

As for the last one, that only happens on rare occurrences. Hardly worth a song & dance.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
150? There's 373 on ATM & it's still "quiet time". There'll be 600 - 700 for the majority of the night once people start getting on.

They aint slow, if it's slow for you then there's a problem either on your end or with your connection. They run perfectly fine for me, and I'm on a shitty UK DSL connection so other people should have no problem what so ever. There are people managing to play using crappy 3G dongles, they have no problems.

As for the last one, that only happens on rare occurrences. Hardly worth a song & dance.

okay, lets just say theres 1000 players online right now. Think about it...that's nothing for a game. I know this might be a bad example, but i'm just gonna use it anyway. Take a look at LoL, 32 million players, and I get no lag at all. I realize they have a lot more money but there's so many less players on this game. I just don't think they take care of the servers properly, I get fat lag every time I play on any computer. My internet is 20MB/s, so it's not that. As for the frame skipping, it happens whenever someone DC's, which is very often BECAUSE of the shitty servers.
The Name Of The Game.
If they ping IT ISN'T THE SERVER, it's their connection.

I should note that speed means jack shit, it's all about packet reliability. Just because a connection is fast doesn't mean it's getting everything in the right order, or even getting the packets at all.

Other people manage fine, doesn't that tell you that it's not a global issue?

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
This game IS SLOW AS FUCK stop making fucking escuses and do something about it. Everyone is complaining about the servers going offline for 10-35 minutes EACH DAY. Fix your damn game.
For 1.) This is a free game.. You do NOT HAVE to pay a damn thing to this game so shut the fuck up about "I paid for this game". You didn't pay nothing unless you wanted to buy shit. For 2.) All games has their glitches, there is no game out there without a glitch. COD/BF/Halo/GTA all those games are top games and they have glitches as well. With you raging at the staff like this will not solve a damn thing.
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So what if it's a free game? It's free because NOBODY would pay to play it with all of the bugs and glitches. There's too many glitches to count, and the Gm's and Admins come up with escuses.
Edit: Not only that, but you spent "1,500$" on this game. I'm not pulling this out of my ass, i'm just rephrasing what you said in the betting server last week.
The game runs perfectly for me, and has since day 1. I'm running it on a shitty 6 year old laptop as well.
Rather than whine about the game, why not just quit playing it if it's so bad?
It's addicting, but do you notice how the game gets less and less players every month?
New players can't play with the glitches, they think the game is retarded.
To Ellis:

First off like Deak said this game is free. Second how would you compare toribash to LoL. In LoL they have money from people buying all the stuff they have of course they are going to have more players.

To mouth:

...by what he means that its a free game that there is no drawback for playing. You didn't pay for the game so you don't have to complain about it. And dude this game is in update 4.3 there is still more to come and remember this is a small community based game there is not +100 people working on this game idk the exact numbers of people working on toribash but its probably no more than 25 people.

And less and less people play it because this game has a huge learning curve if you haven't noticed -.-
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