Original Post
[JUDORG] Judo Organization

Hello and welcome to the Judo Organization of Toribash.

Our aim is to unite all the lovers of the mod and we also hope to train everyone who is a little weak at the mod and help them build their skill.

Applying and Requirements

Anyone can apply as long as you're not immature. Also, students are not required to post replays. To apply, fill out the following application format:

Age (optional):
Location (optional):
Applying for (member, teacher or student):
Skill rating (1-10)
Skype (or how we can contact you):
Replays (not needed if applying for student):

There is no real requirement to join, all we ask is that you stay active and show maturity.


As you can imagine, the general rules of the forum apply here (no trolling, flaming, shitposting or harassment.

Be respectful to others (even if are a teacher, it doesn't give you a right to treat other unfairly).

If you're going to be inactive, tell us beforehand so we don't kick you for inactivity.


For those who don't have Skype, we also have an IRC though I can't guarantee anyone will be on at all times. IRC activity is also not a requirement if you're active on the thread and/or on Skype.

Click here to be directed to our IRC.


There are no leaders of this organization as we don't need them but I operate the organization so if you have trouble regarding anything, don't hesitate to contact me via PM or Skype (my skype is stated below).

Members of Judo Organization

Full Memberlist

Our Bank

Our bank is JudorgBank, feel free to donate items or TC.
TC from the bank is frequently used to host Judo tournies ingame.
Item donations can be used as prizes for the tournies.


WorldEater: 4,505 TC

Last edited by Vordred; Aug 2, 2013 at 03:06 PM.

Yay new org, maybe we can discuss the relation between shadow and turn frames, because the shadow is often a lot shorter than the turn frames in judo.
Age: 14 (sidenote) Extremely professional and mature for my age.
Location: Missouri
GMT: - 5:00/Central Time Zone
Applying for: Just a member :3
Skill Rating: 8 1/2
Skype: TribalD86 (The awesome face guy as a picture)
And replays were attached!

Extra: Oath to stay away from drugs, alcohol and any other harmful behavior. I respect others as long as they are not ignorant and respect me.
I show full commitment to anything I do. And i would love to be apart of this Organization.
My rank in judo is below 100 i know that much..
I still need a touch up on my skills. But i believe I'm pretty damn good.
Attached Files
judo with austin.rpl (100.6 KB, 13 views)
dropped on head.rpl (65.6 KB, 5 views)
judo trip.rpl (8.4 KB, 3 views)
catchfoot.rpl (38.3 KB, 3 views)
VERY close.rpl (108.9 KB, 3 views)
“Resignation is what kills people. Once they've rejected resignation, humans gain the privilege of making humanity their footpath.”
Originally Posted by TribalD86 View Post
Age: 14 (sidenote) Extremely professional and mature for my age.
Location: Missouri
GMT: - 5:00/Central Time Zone
Applying for: Just a member :3
Skill Rating: 8 1/2
Skype: TribalD86 (The awesome face guy as a picture)
And replays were attached!

Extra: Oath to stay away from drugs, alcohol and any other harmful behavior. I respect others as long as they are not ignorant and respect me.
I show full commitment to anything I do. And i would love to be apart of this Organization.
My rank in judo is below 100 i know that much..
I still need a touch up on my skills. But i believe I'm pretty damn good.

I vote yes. Even though this dude was mean to me in the past due to his good app I vote yeah.
Hooray, new front page. As for tribal, swaves, if you have a grudge against him/her, go sort it out. We don't need a fight here.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.