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Any cool apps for ipod 2g? ;(
Iv been searching itunes for awesome apps (games actually) that runs on ipod touch 2g with iOS 4.2.1, just found some shit,

If any one know a good list plz tell me, idk even they are paid apps, thanks.
you ain't gonna find much for a 2g, I'd suggest jailbreaking it.
Angry Birds works for 4.2 I think.
You should also try searching the apple forums, I did and there are a lot on the same subject on which people have listed working apps.
If I were you I'd just get an upgrade, 4g's are pretty cheap now I think.
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
Iv been using this cuz i cant throw this, im looking for a bit hardcore games like moderncombat , cod etc
I wouldn't sugest to jailbreak an ipod 2g. Since it's an old generation and it will start laggin'.