Original Post
(SOULESS) Applications
Is now recruiting to join souless you must send an application. Please pm (private message) g1nger the following information.
1. Your belt
2. Your rank
3. Your best mods
4. Why you want to join
Ill sell you whatever you want for a good price! PM ME
2nd dan



i want to join becausei want a ferce clan that will let me enbrace my full power
can i be in right ?
Last edited by NubbyOwns; Sep 28, 2013 at 03:39 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Name Junah
Belt White
Rank 500000
Wanna Join because i have a way of terring or arms in 2 movements and i have no friends.
1. Your belt BLUE
2. Your rank 19,531
3. Your best mods AIKIDO
4. Why you want to join
I think me being apart of this clan could surely bring me up and us as a group. Attack buddy.
Me & Lucifer Are Best Friends For Life
1. Black Belt
2. 289718
3. Aikido, Judo, Wushu, and ninjutsu
4. Because, I just have a feeling about this clan. A feeling that it will make me even better.
Your belt:blue(use to be a 4 dan)
2. Your rank:147264
3. Your best mods:wushu,judofrac,akiobigdojo.
4. Why you want to join:i think i can help clan
Belt:Green belt
Rank:around the 28,000s
Best Mods:Jousting,judo,judofrac, and kickboxing.
Reason to join:I like the story and I want to see how I can help the clan.
Last edited by Notonoober2; Oct 9, 2014 at 03:29 AM.
Belt: Blue
Rank: 61626
Best Mods: Mushu, Aikido, Taekkyon and Judo
Why I Wanna Join: I wanna join so I can Help this clan