Weekend Bash
Original Post
Regarding deals that involve real money
As those of you who engage in frequent market activities certainly know, there are a bunch of very shady users, some of which like to go undercover with alts and whatnot.
While it is fairly easy to solve regular scam cases that involve only items and tc it is not within our power to help you with paypal and other means of transactions with real money.

It is within our power, however, to quickly background check users and tell you if they are trustworthy or not.
If you would like to use this service just send any Market Squad member or Super Moderator a PM and ask them if a user you want to send money to, or receive money from, has a clean record. You can find the list of staff here.

Do not use this for regular deals, just for deals that involve real money.

Thanks, have a nice day.
Last edited by Creati0n; May 23, 2017 at 07:42 PM. Reason: added link to staff list
How are you?
Just a note that, while this is indeed a service, we are under no obligation to give you any specific account names or information about any specific user for any reason.

In short, we will only provide you with something similar to one of the following two statements:

a.) If you deal with this user you risk being scammed, or

b.) You're safe to deal with this user.

Users are subject to some extent of privacy, and as per that, we will not disclose any additional usernames or bans with this service; please do not ask. If you have absolutely any questions, please feel free to PM any Super Moderator or Market Squad member found in this list.
Last edited by Creati0n; May 23, 2017 at 07:45 PM.