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Whats your Phobia?
So What' "Phobia" and why.
My Phobia is heights, When I was a kid I fell from 10feet, and lived(if I didn't how am I writing this.),I've been scared ever since that day
Last edited by Hero; Mar 14, 2014 at 05:39 PM.
Is it that necessary to put that obscure image up there?

Also, I'm not sure if this is even a phobia, but I am scared of abandoned/empty public places. If I gotta wait for a train and it's late at night and there is next to no one on the station I'm so nervous (maybe even scared).
Spiders and how I got the. Was from a show In early 2000's

Liar: breath, sleep, live the dubstep
Although i don't have any legitimate shit-myself-on-sight phobias, i'm scared of heights, spiders (almost phobic of these chaps, i freak the fuck out upon physical contact) and stinging/biting/unknown insects (i'm not afraid of house flies, for example). I don't know how i got any of those fears, though.

Slightly more unusual fears include fear of getting crushed, fear of "nightmare faces" (more so than would be considered normal) and, curiously enough, fear of faces that are screaming in terror. Perhaps that last one is just my mirror neurons flipping the fuck out. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
i have two, and they're both related.

one of them is sleep paralysis because hallucinations of demons are not my thing.

the other one is mirrors inside dreams. i had a false awakening once (when you wake up, but you're actually dreaming of waking up) and went to look myself in the mirror. i couldn't figure out exactly what i saw, so i looked back and then i looked at it again and suddenly DEMON FACE AND IT WAS SMILING AT ME
i was so shitbricked that i ran and jumped onto my bed and eventually woke up. i think i did the finger thru palm test like 5 times that day to check that i was not dreaming.

don't look at mirrors inside a dream
oh yeah
I'm scared of dogs because 3 dogs chased me and the other one almost bit me but i climbed up my dad's shoulder then i was scared ever since
Not a phobia, but I dislike horses and everything horse-related. I just hate horses, so much.
also that "obscure image" looks like a grind core band's logo.

Used to play alot of old games like Syphon Filter and like you could only see so far.
and that shit is fucking creepy.
I like being able to see as far as possible not some random fucking fog.
or a black fucking screen.