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[TUT] arm texture
an important point for all those who make their own textures.
some of you may not know this, and wonder why not the whole part of their (in my example arm-) texture is shown on the tori.

i want to make a short tut., which shows which parts, you can see, and which are hidden under the joints.

i used the texture previewer (<--- brilliant^^ ) and uploaded the following pic. as triceps and biceps texture.

looking at the template: the tori should have rainbow colored arms now.

but the arms are colored like that

as you can see, most of the texture is hidden under the joints.
only the part in the middle appears as texture.

hope this helps you.
My deviantART
so wut?
I needed this tutorial, really, I've always wanted to make it so when you brake the arm, you see this smiley face under where the joint was. (If that makes sense)
"Mandrake... it appears were in a shooting war."
"Oh hell... are the Russians involved sir?"