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Phil Robertson suspended for having incorrect opinion
So this situation keeps popping up on my news feed;

Phil Robertson from a tv show called Duck Dynasty (it's a reality tv show), said that he believed homosexuality is wrong.

Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men."—continuing rhetorically, Robertson questioned the appeal of same-sex relationships, particularly amongst men; saying: "It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.

Robertson responded to the initial criticism; saying he was a "product of the 60s" but has since lived his life on Biblical principles; adding: "I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me."

To be clear;
  1. He stated it was his opinion
  2. It doesn't interfer with his job at all
  3. He even said he doesn't disrespect people because of it
  4. It was in response to a question about sin

Personally I see absolutely nothing wrong with holding an opinion contrary to the popular opinion. He was in a personal interview and answered a personal question. He's not going around shouting that he hates gays, the show is in it's 4th season.

Is it fair for a guy to be suspended for saying "being homosexual doesn't appeal to me"?
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
I'd argue that his opinion is not particularly unpopular but very common, at least in the USA. The problem is that he stirred up a great controversy which seems to be something the owners of that show do not want.
As a participant of a tv show it is his job to do his best to support he popularity of that show, and if he fails to do that it's the job of his superiors to fix that.
How are you?
I wouldn't expect anyone in any job to hide their own opinion in a personal interview just because it may be perceived negatively.

It's pretty naive to think "no one in the world disapproves of my choices", and it's unrealistic to think that everyone who does disagree would hide it so as not to cause conflict.

He said he doesn't see the appeal of it, but he doesn't disrespect anyone for it. Apart from showing that he is very tolerant and trusting, I fail to see how this can be taken badly apart from "hurr u hav different opinion to me durr".
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
It's a very controversial topic, weather or not he disrespects people is irrelevant to the case because it stirred up such responses anyway.
Those responses are potentially harmful to the show so they drew the consequences.
I personally would fire people who harm my business with their political views as well because the financial aspects have priority.
How are you?
liberals tend to have the viewpoint that "if you're opinion isn't the same as mine then you're racist/sexist/"homophobic"/ bad / and you should be punished"
Last edited by TheGod; Dec 26, 2013 at 04:52 AM.
the god
Personally speaking, I dislike people who have a problem with gay people, as it doesn't effect them in an everyday life (unless they choose to make it their everyday problem)

But you can't say someones opinion is 'wrong', as it's their opinion, not yours.

Dunno why people are so uptight about what he said. It's not like he's the first to say things like that.
why tho
If i might add the producer of the show is Homo-sexual. Theres a big reason. I'm a christian aswell. I back him up a 100% but he never said lets kill all gay/bisexual people. He was expressing his opinion. Which in the constitution he has a right to.
Just a Simple man doing simple things.
In addition to what I said, he compared gay people to terrorists.

No matter your opinion, comparing a gay person to someone who kills people is pretty fucked up and wrong.
Here's the whole story for those who care to read it.
Last edited by -Cyri-; Dec 24, 2013 at 10:54 PM.
why tho
I dont understand what was so bad there, If you gay, drunkard etc. You won't get in to the kingdom of heaven. It says so in the bible.
Just a Simple man doing simple things.
Originally Posted by Mike60LeGacyX View Post
I dont understand what was so bad there, If you gay, drunkard etc. You won't get in to the kingdom of heaven. It says so in the bible.

It also says in the old testament that you're suppose to stone gay people to death, and stone men who cheat on their wife to death.

It also says to love everyone, even your enemy. Kind of ironic and hypocritical if you ask me.
why tho