Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Ladies, gentlemen, everything in between and out these two categories. I come to you with a part advertisement part experiment, which is........

(image is a link)

HATEBOMB SHIRTS. But wot? They're shirts, and you can potentially get them! Problem is, right now there are only 3 people who actually meant it when they said they'd buy such a shirt, and/or have the capability of doing so.

My conundrum? Unless 30 people buy one (which i knew to begin with was a very ambitious number, but the price was dependent on the goal, and i wanted it to be cheap), the shirts don't get printed. There are ups and downs to this; the ups being that you DO NOT lose money (although i encourage you to give Teespring's FAQ a little peek for further details) if the shirts don't get printed, and neither do I, for that matter. It's pretty much completely safe, and you can withdraw your purchase if necessary, AND you can also send the shirts back if feel silly and unsatisfied. The downside? You don't get the shirt if it isn't printed. :U

Not gonna lie to you, i will make a bit of money if the goal of 30 sales are met, but it's something like $1.70 per shirt (out of the $15 + shipping they cost), since profit wasn't my goal here. Rather, it's an experiment to see if i could actually make a bit of side income this way. If you don't have the means to pay, or simply don't want such a shirt, i'm not going to hate you for it. I may be a tad disappointed, but not mad or anything, and at the moment i'm just glad that three people actually would buy something i "designed". c:

So, get yer HATEBOMB SHIRTS here! Tell your friends and family to also get one if you want one, else it's probably not going to be printed! Or don't! It doesn't matter all that much, but it'd be cool! Engaging market strategies! I didn't know where to put this thread so in here it went!
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Y'know, it's a nice shirt. I'm getting paid on the second of February, which is past your time limit, but I might be able to rustle up some money to buy one. I'd be happy to support your endeavor.
Honestly, I think it's neat. Not really something I personally would wear, but I could imagine seeing someone wearing this on the street. Might be better with some witty text though, or even just the words 'HATE-BOMB' ..so you know, people know that it's not just a bomb or something. I really have no clue what I'm talking about, but anyway, good luck Shook, have a feeling these'll sell adequately.
I don't see the appeal. Though that's coming from the guy that wears a gray tshirt and shorts most days.

If you were to accept dogecoin I might buy it just because it'd be neat to buy something with doge. I've already bought things with bitcoin though, so you're out of luck with that, only doge now!
I wonder... What would have happened if you have made TB related t-shirt print and then tried to advertise it...

If I did that then hompo would probably sue my shit. If hompo did it? He might make a killing. :v

@Yoki: Hahah, you're not the first, and honestly i don't blame you. Most of my friends tend to wear black or coloured clothing over white. :v

@Hobo: wuv you mate <3

@isaac: Oh that's fine, as usual i'd be surprised if anything appealed to everyone. I sadly cannot make them take dogecoin, though. :c

@Wicked: Thanks mang! And by all means, if it's not something you'd want to wear anyways, save the money for something else. I did consider adding some text, but me and laconic wits aren't the best of friends, and i doubt people would buy a wall of text shirt. It'd be awesome if they did sell adequately, but i have this sneaking suspicion in my head that it won't reach the 30 mark. I've not resigned myself to the fact yet, but i don't really have any more places to call for support.

@Shmevin: Much lube and love bro, you're an excellent person. c:

Also, just gonna say thanks for being so cool about this, i wasn't sure what to expect.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Sue? Unlikely. If you Google around you'll find a few TB shirts are already being made by random people. They're pretty shit, but they exist.

Shame it's an American company making those, it'd cost as much getting the damned thing though customs as buying one. :/

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you