Original Post
Culapou tourney 300K in prizes.
The culapou sponsored ":O World cup".
300k in goodies
OMG factor X100
6 long weeks
Be the best
Can't lose
Has fun

This will be a classic style tournament, with 4Groups each group containing 8players, if you win you advance, you lose your done. 5 Different modes, 300k in prizes, 32players, 4groups 1 Winner.

Sign ups
My belt is:
I want to play because:
I have entered__tourneys like this
My favorite mode is:
My best mode is:


kaloo Vs. Madgecko11-Kaloo Dq'd Madgecko11 advances.
Magmaa Vs. Alessandro-Magmaa Dq'd Alessandro advances.
Shazikuro Vs. EBeezy-EBeezy wins
Siku Vs. ramenlover-Siku wins

SoulMuffin Vs. ChrisDom-SoulMuffin wins
Velve Vs. xHurricanex xHurricanex Dq'd Velve advances.
gr3yh47 Vs. AX7-Gr3yh47 wins
patriotz Vs. xFlame-patriotz wins

NutHug Vs. Phosphine-NutHug wins
WillSkeat Vs. YoungBl00d-WillSkeat wins
Drakhir Vs. Diltoriya-Drakhir wins
bdo Vs. Tiebasher-Tiebasher wins

KoEDeath Vs. DeathAwaits-DeathAwaits wins
flubbah Vs. Superstar-flubbah dq'd Superstar advances
FaTeee Vs. thenoobsho-No show, neither advances
MANtrain Vs. death20-death20 Dq'd MANtrain advances.

Madgecko11 Vs. Alessandro-Alessandro wins
EBeezy Vs. Siku-EBeezy wins

SoulMuffin Vs. Velve-Velve Dq'd
gr3yh47 Vs. patriotz-patriotz wins..but failed enough to get banned No advances.

NutHug Vs. WillSkeat-NutHug wins
Drakhir Vs. Tiebasher-Drakhir advances

DeathAwaits Vs. Superstar-DeathAwaits wins
MANtrain Vs. SoulMuffin-Mantrain advances

Round 3
Group 1
Alessandro Vs. EBeezy-Alessandro advances

Group 2
NutHug Vs. Drakhir-Drakhir wins

Group 3
ManTrain Vs. DeathAwaits-neither advances


Alessandro Vs. Drakhir- Alessandro wins

The Modes

Week 1

Week 2
TKD-DMT must be 200!(The mod, not taekwon)

Week 3



First Prize!

Second Prize!

Third prize

-Common sense, use it
Games will be played in a first to 5format
You must save the replays and post them here for proof of victory,
No changing any settings
Must have 1Person watching for extra proof.
If you I am a furry to play your game in 1week, you will be kicked from the tourney, unless you have a proper excuse.
Has fun you will..
Last edited by TheGod; Oct 4, 2008 at 04:40 PM.
the god
My belt is: Masterbelt
I want to play because: I want to kick Drakhirs ass and get the title this time
I have entered 5 tourneys like this
My favorite mode is: Sambo/Aikido/TK/Freestyle/Timefight
My best mode is: Sambo/Aikido

Why has the first prize 2 Typhon forces?
Also what will be the matches like? Best out of X?
Why wushu twice? =/
Last edited by NutHug; Aug 4, 2008 at 08:57 PM.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

Like my stuff?
Join my FunClub or subscribe on Youtube
Oh sweet.

My belt is: Fourth Dan Black belt.
I want to play because: Sounds fun.
I have entered__tourneys like this: A good bit.
My favorite mode is: Aikido.
My best mode is: Aikido.
Church of BnW
Originally Posted by NutHug View Post
My belt is: Masterbelt
I want to play because: I want to kick Drakhirs ass and get the title this time
I have entered__tourneys like this: errr want me to count?
My favorite mode is: Sambo/Aikido/TK/Freestyle/Timefight
My best mode is: Sambo/Aikido

Why has the first prize 2 Typhon forces?
Also what will be the matches like? Best out of X?

2.Just a rough estimate

If you win you will get 2typhoon forces, as well as the other things/
First to 5, as it says in the rules
OHh woops, wushu twice, made an error, will fix
EDIT: done,doner
Last edited by TheGod; Aug 4, 2008 at 08:57 PM.
the god
My belt is: 3rd Dan [I cant post on the forums on T0astman cause of ban but i can use ingame so put down as T0astman]
I want to play because:I want to have a good laugh.
I have entered about 5-7 tourneys like this
My favorite mode[s] is:Sambo, Judo and Kickboxing
My best mode is: Kickboxing.
Last edited by Davey_old; Aug 4, 2008 at 09:35 PM.
Sorry didn't see the rules down there.
Added tournament count. I think with 'like this' you mean those sign-up tournaments.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

Like my stuff?
Join my FunClub or subscribe on Youtube
Belt: 10th Dan
Reason: Nuthug needs competition
# Like this: Um...most of the big ones.
Fav mods: Freestyle, Frac, Timefight, Bigdojo Aikido
Best mods: The above + Judo
Ducky: Fuck. My mum came in the room and saw Cock_Rocket and Mad-Sex-Whore on the screen. Out of instict I closed the window. Now she thinks I watch porn and she's going to cancel my internet connection for a week. Thanks a lot bitches.
my belt is: 5th dan
i want to play: pwetty toxic and typhoon
i have entered (none like this one) tourneys before
Fav mode: hm.... wushu
best mode: wushu
Now with 100% less angst
My belt is: 10th dan black belt
I want to play because: I want to win <.<
I have entered tourneys like this
My favorite mode is: Judo
My best mode is: Judo