Original Post
Suggestions not to suggest
Remember the times when there was a thread like this?
Want it back?
Well, I do!

Mostly it's because there's a lot of suggestions that were already suggested, for example- 2v2(4 player Toribash).

There just should be a thread like this so players wouldn't suggest something that has been either already suggested, or is just pointless.

My list so far:
"2v2/4 player Toribash"
"Toribash for Android/iOS" I mean, the real Toribash
"Superpowers/Power ups" or any other game imbalance.
"Rewards" any kind of rewards are bad, you have achievements, enough.
"Votekick/voteban" or anything like that
"Voice chat"
The reason people 'SUGGEST' things is to see if it would help out in any way, and if it is pointless than that 'SUGGESTION' will just be let down. I don't see anything wrong with suggesting anything you personally think would help. Also, you don't need a thread showing you every, single, thread that has been posted on suggestions. I am not sure where I read this or if I was told but if you want to find if a suggestion has already been suggested, Google it.

I see the things you listed and those aren't exactly pointless suggestions, they may have been suggested once or twice but that just shows people want it! Also, toribash for iOS or Android is actually possible, maybe not multiplayer but singleplayer replay making would be possible to make. In fact, multiplayer could also be made because phones are getting more powerful as they upgrade through out the years. The cores are getting bigger and in a few years there may even be a phone with the same power as a Xbox 360 or a PS3. Sound stupid huh? Well doesn't mean its not possible.

I really don't know whether to support or un-support. But seriously, we don't need a thread dedicated to every suggestion ever made and if there was a certain idea which was popular and re-suggested a few times, another player would see that and try to support it by posting on the already made thread and re-suggestion threads are already being moved to threads which fit the same topic. I don't see why we need this.
Or maybe a publicly available search method
so we can see which suggestions have already
been posted and other stuff.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
People don't even read the rules thread in this board. Why would they browse a whole list if they can't read a few lines of concentrated sanity?
Especially if they're as long as the one we had before.

Another reason behind deleting the thread was probably because regular users kept back seat moderating, which isn't really desireable.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Reviving a "don't do this; don't suggest this" sticky may be on the cards.

The others may not like the idea, but the constant "supported" (USELESS) posts and multiple threads for the exact same thing being made is reason enough IMO.

We'll see. It's not so much that people shouldn't suggest things, but making thread #1309742509682459067 for 3/4 player TB isn't cool.

As for the constant "supported" posts, yeah that needs stopped. They achieve nothing. Doesn't matter how many people post that it isn't helping the idea. You're supposed to either build the idea or point out what's wrong with it so it can evolve.

I'll leave it at that for now to avoid a 10 page essay. Regardless it'll more than likely be happening.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Thing is, the only thing you really need to do is read the rules. It tells you to google your suggestions, and not to post useless "support" posts. That's the two biggest problem in this board.
We do have a "merged threads list", hidden from regular users. It lists the few worst mergepastas. We could always make that visible.
Then again, why would people read such a thread if they don't bother with the rules?
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Duplicate suggestions are merged. When we did have the list it made little to no difference. Merging is more effective because it shows the original idea and the response to it.